Disability Resources
Indiana 2-1-1
Indiana 2-1-1 provides immediate help and access to essential community resources, dial 2-1-1;1-866-211-9966 or visit their website to connect to resources in your community.
Click here to visit the Indiana 2-1-1 Website
Click here to download an Indiana 2-1-1 Flyer
Findhelp.org is the largest network of free & reduced cost social assistance in the United States. There are over 733,000 users in Indiana who search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more.
Click here to visit the Find Help Website
Indiana Disability Resource FINDER
Explore their directory of services, programs and helpful articles for the disability community. Follow the step-by-step guide to find the right information. You can narrow your search by continuing to choose additional options as they are displayed.
Click here to visit the Indiana Disability Resource Finder Website